Marketing campaign is the generation of quality leads . But what do we mean by the term quality? , a contact must be from a person who falls within the reference target , who demonstrates interest and who finalizes a contract or is interested to the point of providing his data to always stay informed. A widely used tool is that of subscribing to a newsletter , in this way a contact can always stay up to date and become a customer or potential customer. Contact data assumes a very relevant value for a company. In evaluating the effectiveness of a marketing campaign, the value of leads is one of the indicators to be taken into account.
Which important information can be mobile number list drawn. Back to index ROI Return On Investment, ROI. It is the analysis of the return on our investment , or the translation of it into economic terms. One of the first values to take into consideration is the calculation of the contacts that ended up in sales. So the direct monetization obtained from a marketing campaign . But it's not always a simple operation. The data deriving from marketing campaigns and web accesses are not always easy to read and interpret. It is important to have tools that can assist in data analysis and evaluation.
Being able to unify data, analyze them and finally obtain processable information is a complex activity that requires not only skills but also adequate IT aids. Through the analysis of this data it is possible to formulate new marketing strategies modeling them on the target user . A fundamental aspect is the union and integration between data deriving from B2B and sales strategies. full-material-data-driven-webinar Back to index Choosing the right technology Important in B2B is the choice of suitable and tailored software for business processes. Choosing a platform that models itself on business processes and at the same time collects and assists in data analysis.