MB Exactly Well it's something that I love it's something that everyone finds cool cool creativity intelligence combined with humour with distance and with the right with the right preparation of this message to to to the online media which also time change change can give a really good good effect. Now all these these things these campaigns that are being created actually the media have changed so much that yes they have changed so much that to burn up of course it's nice when you have money for for a campaign on Facebook for for boosting it for paid boosting but you also have to adapt this this message accordingly because we keep our phones vertical so PS Yes.
MB Cool the cinematic image on the phone will take up a quarter of the phone so when we prepare it vertically the horizontal cinematic image will take up a quarter of the phone so when we prepare this message vertically it will take up the entire phone. There will be a much larger area and moreover research all kinds of reports clearly indicate that this is much more effective click through rate of this type of forms. PS Well we are just learning it but whatsapp mobile number list a year ago as we did a year ago before last year's Mail My Day we asked the speakers to record the announcement of their lecture and we got one Dutchman Geordi is from the Netherlands the Dutchman just recording vertical and so good and now if you give us the other one and he says but it will be on Facebook anyway it will eat there and it would seem that a person is sitting in the world of marketing and it was basically hey what you sent us you couldn't record it normally so MB Yes exactly.
There should be such a message actually it is now a must have subtitles. PS Subtitles. MB Yes because before I start the phone before I turn on the sound or maybe I can't turn on the sound PS I already know what's going on. MB Yes I already know what it is and I know whether or not to stay on in this video. and Facebook are a bit behind in this because both on Facebook and YouTube you can add subtitles to a movie and this is a great safer thing because there you can edit change order i.e. times and so on correct the typo as it happens while on phones and YouTube and Facebook subtitles are quite small they are quite ineffective much natively you have to do yes.