JetBrains RubyMine 2018.3.5 Keygen Serial Key Keygen !!LINK!!
JetBrains RubyMine 2018.3.5 Keygen Serial Key Keygen --->
JetBrains RubyMine 2018.3.5: A Powerful IDE for Ruby and Rails Developers
If you are looking for a smart and efficient tool to write high-quality code in Ruby and Rails, you might want to check out JetBrains RubyMine 2018.3.5. This is the latest version of the popular IDE that offers a rich set of features to help you with every aspect of your development process.
Some of the highlights of RubyMine 2018.3.5 are:
Support for Rails 7 turbo-rails methods[^3^]
Improved navigation and support for the define method of the Data class in Ruby 3.2[^3^]
Faster code completion and reduced memory consumption[^3^]
Built-in syncing tool optimized for working on WSL[^3^]
Code inspections, refactorings, and quick-fixes for Ruby and Rails code[^3^]
Debugger with a graphical UI for Ruby, JavaScript, and CoffeeScript[^3^]
Test runner with support for RSpec, Cucumber, Shoulda, MiniTest & Test::Unit[^3^]
Integration with tools like Rake, Bundler, RVM/Rbenv, Zeus, Vagrant, Capistrano, Chef, Puppet, and more[^3^]
You can download RubyMine 2018.3.5 from the official website[^4^] and enjoy a free 30-day trial. You can also get all JetBrains desktop tools including 10 IDEs, 2 profilers, and 3 extensions with a single subscription[^4^].
RubyMine is a powerful IDE that can help you write better code faster and easier. Whether you are a beginner or an expert in Ruby and Rails development, you will find RubyMine to be a valuable ally in your projects.Now that you have installed RubyMine and set up your project, you might be wondering how to make the most of this powerful IDE. Here are some tips and tricks that can help you boost your productivity and enjoy coding with RubyMine.
Code completion
RubyMine provides code completion for Ruby and Rails code, as well as for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other languages. Code completion helps you write code faster and with fewer errors by suggesting possible names of classes, methods, variables, keywords, and so on.
To invoke code completion, press Ctrl+Space. RubyMine will show a popup with a list of suggestions that match the context of your code. You can use the arrow keys to navigate the list and press Enter to insert the selected suggestion. You can also type a part of the name and press Tab to complete it with the first matching suggestion.
RubyMine also supports smart code completion that filters the suggestions based on the expected type of expression. To invoke smart code completion, press Ctrl+Shift+Space twice. For example, if you type puts followed by a space and then press Ctrl+Shift+Space twice, RubyMine will suggest only methods that return a string.
Another useful feature of code completion is postfix completion that lets you transform an expression that you have just typed without moving the caret. To use postfix completion, type a dot after an expression and then press Ctrl+Space to see the available templates. For example, if you type user.nil. and press Ctrl+Space, RubyMine will suggest changing it to user.nil or unless user.
If you want to improve the quality and relevance of code completion suggestions, you can enable machine learning (ML) completion in RubyMine. ML completion uses data from your project and other projects to rank the suggestions based on how often they were chosen by other developers in similar contexts. To enable ML completion, go to Settings/Preferences Editor General Code Completion and select the Rank completion suggestions based on Machine Learning checkbox[^3^].
Code navigation
RubyMine provides various ways to navigate through your code and find what you need quickly and easily. You can use keyboard shortcuts, menus, tool windows, popups, breadcrumbs, and more.
One of the most basic navigation actions is Go to Declaration that takes you to the place where a symbol is defined. To go to the declaration of a class, method, variable, or any other symbol, place the caret at its usage and press Ctrl+B or Cmd+Click. RubyMine will open the file where the symbol is declared and scroll to its definition.
If you want to see the definition of a symbol without opening a new file or tab, you can use Quick Definition. Place the caret at a symbol usage and press Ctrl+Shift+I. RubyMine will show a popup with the symbol definition that you can examine and close by pressing Esc.
Sometimes you may want to find all the places where a symbol is used or referenced in your project. To do that, you can use Find Usages. Place the caret at a symbol declaration or usage and press Alt+F7. RubyMine will show a tool window with a list of usages grouped by categories. You can double-click any usage to jump to it in the editor.
Another handy navigation action is Go to Symbol that lets you find any symbol by its name across your project or libraries. Press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N and start typing the name of a class, method, variable, or any other symbol. RubyMine will show a popup with matching symbols that you can filter by file types or scopes. Select the desired symbol from the list and press Enter to go to it.
There are many more navigation actions in RubyMine that can help you explore your code base efficiently. You can learn more about them in the documentation[^1^]. ec8f644aee